Monday, December 28, 2009

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

I have a few things on my mind that i would just like to share....


I browse through profiles often, and it seems as if, there's some strange kind of "popularity" contest going-on...Pictures are great memories, and this is not intended to knock anyones' self-esteem down (remember that), but why is that the main focus of so many GREAT peoples' lives...Let's face it, what we post here on myspace people all over the world, (of every age,color,ethnicity,etc.) are viewing and making their own assumptions about you as a person, and also about what's lacking in their own lives'...Think about that for a sec, we have so much more to offer than that...Let's not let OUR actions' be the reason why history continues to repeat itself, we are the future, which(for those who haven't noticed) is now present for us...Our children WILL be affected by the choices we make today.

I see so much knowledge out here that some people just ignore/are ignorant to...Life has so much to offer us, and getting back to the topic at hand; Why aren't we portraying more of that??Girls everyday (and boys too) are cutting themselves,starving/throwing up,lashing out at others in unproductive ways,seeking solace in statistics (i.e. teen motherhood,unfulfilling relationships,etc.)...The list goes on and on, but i'm sure you get the idea :)

Why aren't we setting the right example, as a whole, to our children, for the sake of their future?In my mind, more than half of your outward apearence comes from within (personality traits,attitude discrepencies, Lol, ENVIRONMENTS we are raised in,etc)...With that being said, we should FOCUS more on showing that off than what we were born with.If you're fortunate enough to be blessed with a beautiful face (definately no need to feel shamed about that :) ), just keep in mind that you have more to offer than this...Don't be afraid to show more of who you really are inside, that's what really counts.I want to know what you're hiding behind that smile...

Write to me and let me know what you think about what i'm saying: Leave me a personal message if you're not ready to share your personal outlook on life with the rest of the world just yet...Let's take it one step at a time...

TOGETHER!!!! Until then....

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

Hooray ! So there is someone else out there with a similar worry about the future generation and their current outlook on life !! I'm fed up with the magazines, the fashion houses, the glamourous Hollywood stars all taking part in destroying self confidence in those young impressionable minds of our children. Both girls, and to a lesser extent, boys, are being subjected to unrealistic body images, lifestyles and ideas that can only cause huge waves of problems ranging from teen pregnancies, self abuse,and unfortunately in the worst scenario, suicide.

Are these the only solutions today's youth can find to the ever growing problems they cannot solve on their own ? I believe the culture needs to change. NOW. Before any more lives are destroyed and families broken apart by grief and unconsolable rifts.

Next time you speak to someone, don't judge them by their physical appearance. Just because they don't meet your image of "perfection" doesn't mean they aren't a worthwhile member of our global family. Remember the story of the Ugly Duckling?? There's a little of him in all of us. And not all that glitters is gold.......

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

Serenity - I agree with your view on Lil' Princess - she considers herself a "professional writer" ! That's simply her opinion. I've often been told I should write books because I have the talent for it, and I don't understand her narrow view of life. To call another writer a hypocrite.....??? WT ? Report It

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

I read the first 3 paragraphs and I have no clue what your talking about, something about kids uniting?

summerize plz

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

I think you're a hypocrite and a very mediocre writer

you really want to seem like an all knowing person when you have no grounds to preach

I'm embarrassed for you

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

it is a popularity contest

you can't honest believe those with numerous friends really have those friends do you ?

it just bragging rights to make the person with no life feel better about themselves, it is NOT social networking

that involves face to face communication

Open this!!!!MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY....?

Why is this under this category?

And what are you talking about? I can careless about MySpace, and you're wasting your life browsing through them, now you're criticizing and bragging about pictures of those you don't even know?

I didn't even finish the first paragraph because I was already lost. What does this has to do with the category? Further more, how about posting this in the MySpace category, trust me, it exists if you look hard enough.

"TOGETHER!!!! Until then...." .......what?

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