Saturday, November 28, 2009

MySpace HTML - How to remove ads from layouts?

I've recently used a custom layout to decorate my myspace page. But In the "About Me" section, there is advertisment from the page where I got the layout telling people to click on it to view more layouts. i find it very annoying and don't know how to read HTML to find out how to remove it! Can anyone help me? Is there something specific I should be looking for in the HTML and deleting?


MySpace HTML - How to remove ads from layouts?

At the very end of the layout you'll have a tag that looks like this... %26lt;/style%26gt; That is the END. Then after that, what they usually do is start with an %26lt;a href= URL%26lt;/a%26gt; type thing. It will have the words and what not that is showing up under your about me. Just erase that whole thing under the %26lt;/style%26gt; and you should be fine. They also sometimes stick the ads on the top of the layout code so anything BEFORE it says %26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; needs to be erased as well. If you have any more Q's feel free to message me!!!

MySpace HTML - How to remove ads from layouts?

press CTRL+F to find within your code the name of the website that you just pulled the code off of.

usually it'll be marked with Layouts by %26lt;a href*; or something stupid. sometimes they put up gif images. it should be pretty easy to find.

find me on myspace== and i'll look at your page and tell you specifically what it is.

MySpace HTML - How to remove ads from layouts?

Try posting the bottom part of the code here on yahoo answers or if you have me it and I can help you :]

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